Voting Rights Are at Risk in New Hampshire
Proposed changes to voter identification laws could lead to challenges in voting, threatening democracy in New Hampshire.
Juneteenth 2024: Celebrating Freedom and Advocating for Recognition in NH
Discover the history and significance of Juneteenth, its federal recognition, and ongoing efforts to make it an official holiday in New Hampshire.
How MPAL is Empowering Youth Through Mentorship and Diversion
The Manchester Police Athletic League’s Choices program connects at-risk youth and formerly incarcerated individuals to build trust and drive positive change.
Hundreds gather in Concord to talk about a diversifying New Hampshire
“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you may be on the menu.” - NHCJE’s annual meeting discusses strategies to enhance equity for communities of color in NH.
Why We Need Representation in Schools: Insights from a School Administrator
Representation matters. Assistant Principal Jerold White highlights the need for a diverse teaching force and inclusive school environments.
Jo Porter is the 2024 Recipient of the Elliot M. Stone Award of Excellence in Health Data Leadership
The National Association of Health Data Organizations named Jo Porter as the 2024 Elliot M. Stone Award of Excellence in Health Data Leadership.
A Brief Review of Incarceration Data in New Hampshire
A new brief from the New Hampshire Center for Justice and Equity summarizes the data – and data gaps – related to New Hampshire’s incarceration rates.
Empowering Women and Girls of Color in New Hampshire
From an intersectional perspective, NHCJE looks at the disparities faced by women, girls and marginalized genders, as well as empowerment initiatives in NH.
Connecting the Dots: How Hate Became Mainstream
With historical and present-day examples, Bill Maddocks addresses how hate has been allowed to fester in NH and the USA.
GOSPEL – A Musical Journey Through Black History and Spirituality
Understand the power of Gospel music to transcend barriers and inspire social change on GOSPEL – A Celebration of Music, led by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
From Adversity to Advocacy: A Story of Resilience and Systemic Change
Ophelia Burnett tells NHCJE about the highs and lows of her life after prison, culminating in award-winning advocacy for women and anti-slavery language.
Life after Prison: Navigating the Challenges of Reentering Society
Anthony Payton shares insights on building a life after incarceration and overcoming re-entry challenges with mental health, probation, and rehabilitation.
How Positive Street Art Shapes Equitable Communities
Cecilia Ulibarri explains how Positive Street Art is “a living, breathing testament to the richness that diversity brings to our collective experience.
A Brief Review of Languages Spoken in New Hampshire
A newly released brief from the New Hampshire Center for Justice and Equity summarizes the languages spoken across the Granite State based on US Census data.
“We Need to Have Educator Voices:” A Look at New Hampshire’s Revised Ed 306
With 30+ years in education, Christine Downing talks to NHCJE about her new report calling for more educator voices in the state’s Ed 306 rules.
Judith Heumann: Championing Disability Rights and Inclusive Advocacy
The Icon Series reflects on those who paved the way for our justice and equity journey. Today, NHCJE celebrates the extraordinary life of Judith Heumann.
Marsha P. Johnson: The Transgender Activist Who Pioneered the Fight for LGBTQ+ Rights
The Icon Series reflects on those who paved the way for our justice and equity journey. Today, NHCJE celebrates the extraordinary life of Marsha P. Johson.
Angela Davis: A Trailblazer in the Pursuit of Justice and Equity
The Icon Series reflects on those who paved the way for our justice and equity journey. Today, NHCJE celebrates the extraordinary life of Angela Davis.
John Lewis: Courage, Activism, and the Pursuit of Equality
The Icon Series reflects on those who paved the way for our justice and equity journey. Today, NHCJE celebrates the extraordinary life of John Lewis.
Cesar Chavez: A Trailblazing Labor and Civil Rights Activist
The Icon Series reflects on those who paved the way for our justice and equity journey. Today, NHCJE celebrates the extraordinary life of Cesar Chavez.