The New Hampshire Center for Justice & Equity sparks dialogue amongst Granite Staters and examine real solutions that reflect New Hampshire’s realities and values, emphasizing to state leaders that New Hampshire is more productive and competitive when everyone can belong.

The legacy of race and the intersection of wealth, class, gender, and opportunity in the United States has been documented by numerous historians and economists across many academic disciplines. History demonstrates that many of the obstacles experienced by our communities of color and similarly marginalized communities are structural and mutually reinforcing, contributing to New Hampshire’s and the Nation’s longstanding inequities in income, wealth, academic achievement, and health outcomes, while damaging our democracy.

The pandemic brought issues of racial and economic injustice to the forefront, highlighting in plain sight the deep inequities in our systems, sectors, and society at large.

In recent years, New Hampshire has been one of many states subjected to outside interests pushing an agenda to “normalize racism.”  Their messages and policies are moving into the mainstream public discourse even as New Hampshire’s changing demographics reveal a younger and more diverse talent pool strengthening the state’s economic vitality and overall resiliency.